Aligning the 4Ps (Program, Project, Portfolio and Product Management) is essential in gaining true Business Agility. Yet as many Practitioners, Managers and Executives can attest, best practices within these domains do not sync well at times. This leads to a fundamental question – can the 4Ps coexist in an Agile arena?
In this eBook, we’ll build a game plan for your organization using the analogy of a successful soccer team. You will learn how to successfully integrate Project, Portfolio, Program and Product Management to build a winning Agile team.
Can the 4Ps Coexist in an Agile Arena will provide you with:
- Real world examples of winning Agile and Project teams
- New strategies and practices that can further accelerate your Business Agility
- Tips for creating a tailored game plan using a unique blend of traditional practices
Learn how the 4Ps can thrive and play well together on an Agile field and discover play-by-play analysis that will help your enterprise Turn Change Into Value®.